
Friday, February 21, 2025

What I'm Working On Right Now

Happy Friday! Thgouht it was high time to share what I'm currently working on, and a few small finished projects. So far in 2025 my sewing time has been sporadic, but I've still managed to work on a few things.

I've continued to work on my soft and subtle Candyweb Blocks! I was originally just going to make four blocks, but ended up deciding to make nine instead. So I'm working away on those. It's been easier ever since I organized my scraps a little better!

Speaking of scraps, I've made some more of these fun arched log cabin blocks. I'm not sure if I ever shared a photo of these blocks here. I made 16 (I think?) right after baby girl was born and then set them aside. I decided to make more and have been slowly adding to the original 16! I'd love to make a whole quilt. We'll see, this is going to be a long term project for sure.

Last Fall I found this vintage ornament panel at the Goodwill outlet and immediately snatched it up. I love finding these stuffed ornaments, so it was extra fun to be able to make some! I think my favorite of the bunch is the tree.

I started a new Christmas quilt in December, when I had nowhere near enough time to finish it! I realized when I was cutting out drawstring bags for the sew along that I had collected a good amount of holiday fabric scraps. So I chopped all of those up along with some smaller yardage. I got the blocks made and then stalled. Last month I pulled out the blocks and got them sewn into a quilt top. I made this using my free Tesselation quilt pattern, although I made the blocks smaller to fit my fabric scraps.

I finally was able to try out Alison Harris' Diagonal Seam Tape. I picked it up a while back and kept forgetting to try it. Loved using it on this project! It saved me SO MUCH TIME. Not having to mark all those squares was awesome.

I'm making a schoolhouse block quilt! I've been seeing these traditional blocks pop up lately and decided to try making one myself. I couldn't find a pattern that was exactly what I wanted, so I drafted this one myself. It makes a big block, 18" finished. I made one block using vintage sheets and pretty quickly decided I wanted to make a whole quilt! I've got twelve blocks made and I'm in the process of adding sashing right now. Can't wait to get this top put together.

I don't think I ever shared this project! After I made a slipcover for my adult size Ikea Poang chair (see that post here), we picked up a children's size for baby girl. Of course I had to make a matching cover for her chair too. I think it turned out so cute!

We had a nice little snow storm recently and got around 6 inches of snow. This meant I had to do some snow dyeing! I still have a stash of white cotton towels, so I dyed a few of those. Always so fun!!

Last but not least, a little crafting project. My friend Jacey gave me this laser cut sweater ornament a few years ago (okay more than a few!!) and I never stitched it. I've had it hung up in the package on my bulletin board, and I figured it would look better if I actually embroidered it! I think it turned out pretty cute.

Happy Making!


  1. I made those stuffed ornaments in the early 80s.Still put them on the tree every year. All of your projects are so beautiful. Marilyn Podoll.

  2. All your creations are just lovely and so inventive and inspiring. Thanks so much.

  3. You have been busy! I especially like the stuffed ornament panel you lucked up on. I very much enjoy seeing what you’re working on, so thank you!

  4. thanks for sharing your project. Best.

  5. morning jeni, what a lovely way to start my day with coffee in hand reading your post. such lovelies you have shared with us once again. don't know how you get them all done, but glad you do so you can nudge us onward with our own. have a splendid day jeni.

  6. The arched log cabin blocks are amazing! Can you share the measurements?

    1. They're 8.5" unfinished! The strip sizes/center piece are all different across blocks.

  7. The arched log cabin blocks are amazing! Can you share the measurements?

  8. Sew busy! And such great projects.

  9. For the log cabin blocks did you just do a random size for the inner colours? Thanks

    1. Yes! I cut most of them are between 2.5"-1.75" wide and between 2.5"-3" tall.


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