
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

2025 Crafty Goals

Happy Tuesday! Today I wanted to share my 2025 crafty goals. This post is going to be short and sweet, because I don't have many this year! I am anticipating my craft thing being pretty limited in 2025, so I want to keep my goals reasonable. I'm sprinkling in a couple of work goals too, because why not! We'll see what this year brings, I might not be able to complete any of these goals. Trying to be open to all the things that this year may hold.

My word for this year is PLAY. I want to play in my working, hobbies, and with my young daughter. I hope that bringing a playful spirit and attitude to even hard things will make this year better. Without further ado, my goals for this year:

2025 Crafty Goals

- Use up more yardage than I bring in for both fabric and yarn.

- Finish up 1 or 2 long-term projects in progress.

- Release 2 new patterns.

- Destash fabric and yarn I don't think I'll use.

- Make a mini Making Backpack.

- Host another quilt along! Hopefully things Spring, keep your eye out.

- Work on a pair of colorwork mittens.

- Try a new craft! I already have supplies to try out marbling, natural dyeing, weaving (with a simple flat loom), bleach dyeing, etc.

- Continue to experiment and make things with repurposed textiles.

- Finish a crochet project.

If you're looking for some advice for making crafty goals, I wrote a post about my general approach to crafty goals a few years ago, you can find it here: Tips for Making and Keeping Crafty Goals.

Happy Making!


  1. Those goals are super goals. I may make a few as well. It is so weird how life things get in the way and they really doooo-- in not allowing craft to enter the day--almost like a "hateful" act? I wonder about garment sewing---how do you create your buttonholes? I'm not sure if you've tried this or not because I haven't seen anything on your blog or maybe I missed it. Thanks so much and happy sewing, working, crafting and gardening. ✌️💌🌻🎨


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