Big Sewing Room Changes

Friday, September 13, 2024

My sewing room has gone through a lot of evolutions in the past year plus. When baby girl was first born, it became feeding central on the second floor with a glider, extra armchair and lots of baby supplies. At one point Michael's spin bike found a home in here, and as baby got older I made room for a pack and play. Eventually all those things were moved out and for a number of months things in here were "back to normal".

Fast forward to this summer when we made the biggest change yet. We moved our extra queen bed out of baby girl's room and into the sewing room. We really needed a dedicated place for visitors to stay, and it was the only option. It was my idea, but I'll be the first to admit it's been bittersweet. I'm getting more and more used to it, and I think it actually looks pretty good! Let me take you along for the messy journey.

The most time consuming task was moving my shelf unit (an Expedit from Ikea). This thing is heavy, even with nothing in it! I hoped I could just partially unload it and still move it, but no luck. Everything had to come out!

There was only one other wall where this unit could fit, so that's where it went! From a sun-damage perspective this is actually a much better spot. It wasn't getting direct sun before, but either way this wall offers more protection which is a bright side! There is a vent on this wall, but luckily it lined up perfectly with one of the shelves!

These units hold A LOT of stuff. Exhibit A, the floor of the sewing room mid-move. Yikes!! It has to get worse before it gets better!

That's better. Filled back up and looking nice! I took the move as an opportunity to change up my display shelves along the top row. For now I like it!

So much empty space while we waited to move the bed! Couldn't manage all of this in one weekend. I basted one more quilt on the floor during this in between time.

Bed and nightstands were moved in and fit great. They're also from Ikea. We built/stained them when we first moved to Connecticut.

Another bright side, under bed storage! I fit a bunch of these short storage boxes under the bed to hold various supplies. This bin has part of my vintage pillowcase collection.

Here is what things look like now! I didn't even realize this vintage comforter I thrifted recently was a queen size until I threw it on the bed. It looks great, and I won't need to worry about any fading or sun damage, as it's already got a bit of both! And it's still really cute. I'd like to work on the nightstand set up, but for now they're fine!

I've set up my ironing board in front of the shelving unit, which has been working well. I can easily take it down and store it when we have guests staying.

I installed an inexpensive curtain rod behind the bed so that I can hanging quilts, quilt tops, or fabric there. I like that I can change it out whenever I want, and it adds some coziness to the room. I went with white so that it would mostly just blend into the wall. I still need to figure out what art I want to put back up, we'll see.

Dusty has given her stamp of approval and had her first nap on the bed. Baby girl also thinks its one of the best places in the house to run around and explore.

I'm happy with where the sewing room is at right now. Loosing some space to the bed is worth it to have a place for people to stay. Now I need to do a fully updated sewing room tour. My last one was from 2019! It's changed so much in five years!!

Happy Sewing!


  1. That looks great! Good choice moving the bookcase to that wall. Even indirect sun can damage fabric. Can't wait for a new sewing room tour. You have inspired me to reorganize my sewing room too! Thank you!

  2. I put a Murphy bed in my sewing room when I redid it in 2019. Depending on how frequently you have house guests, it might be something to consider if you want to reclaim your floor space! Otherwise, I love all your windows and natural light - it looks so happy.

  3. I think the room looks great! An advantage to the queen size bed is that you can lay your blocks out and not have to get all the way in the floor! I have also seen sheets in some of your pictures that we had in the 1970's when I first married. They were extremely sturdy and when I got rid of all of them-maybe in the early 90's-they still looked really good. If I had kept them-I would send to you!

  4. Your sewing room is lovely. It looks very restful. So nice that it doubles as a bed. You can take a break when you are tired too and dream of quilts. Love the quilt on the wall.

  5. I think your newly redone space looks fantastic! It’s very cozy and inviting!

  6. absolutely amazing. a lot of work to keep up with the changing needs of you and your family. thanks for sharing jeni.


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