It's time for the August monthly report! See past reports here.
I did quite a bit of sewing in August, mostly on my vintage sheet bear paw quilt! I finished the top, hooray! And I've got enough block parts to make a baby quilt too. I still need to put those blocks together into a quilt top, but at least the main top is done. Now I just need to choose a backing sheet for it. Which is tough because I have so many that would be good for it! A good problem to have, for sure. I made a little video of Instagram where I show all thirty blocks one at a time. You can find it here: Bear Paw Blocks Video
I stitched up a drawstring bag for the first time in what feels like a while! I wanted to make something Fall/Halloween inspired and I had these adorable Kitty Corn* fabrics that I picked up last year. I love how soft the colors are, and the little hidden spiders and moons. I just went with the Everything size. I even made fabric ties, which I rarely do anymore. I am so spoiled by the twill tape! I finished the bag off with some 1" wooden beads. You can find the pattern and beads in my online shop:
Pattern: Lined Drawstring Bag Pattern
Notions: Round Wooden Beads

I finally got my all green quilt top (it needs a new name now!), in the mail for longarm quilting! I finished the top a few months ago, but never ironed the row seams or made a backing for it. So I got those things checked off the list! I'm excited to get this quilt done, it's been a work in progress for way too long. See more of this quilt here.

The other sewing I did this month was make a new seat cushion for Dusty's litter box cabinet. I wrote a whole blog post about it, which you can find here: Update to the Hidden Kitty Litter Box Cabinet
To keep myself accountable for my stash goals, I track my yardage for fabric and yarn each month. Read more about how I track here. Here is how I did in August:
August Fabric
Used up: -1.5 yard
Brought in: 0 yards
Net: -1.5 yards
Year to date: -20.75 yards
August Yarn
Used up: 0 yards
Brought in: 0 yards
Net: 0 yards
Year to date: -1000 yards
I'm not exactly crushing my yardage goals lately, but that's okay. I'm still in the negative! At least I used up something this month, that feels good. And I'm not bringing anything in, so that helps too. I need to finish up some quilts so I can really make some progress!

Time to check in my with 2022 crafty goals. This month I:
- Sent my all green quilt (long term WIP) off to be quilted!
- Pieced all the blocks and top for my vintage sheet bear paw quilt (long term WIP).
- Finished the body of one colorwork mitten.

Kitty supervised my work, getting that quilt top out the door! So thoughtful.
Have a Great Month!
*Note: Any links marked with an asterisk in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click through and buy something, I make a small commission, at no extra cost to you.