As it's already over halfway through May, we're going to keep April's report short and sweet! I also didn't finish a whole lot this month, so there isn't much to cover. Most of the sewing I did this month was on the two small quilts above. I'm working on a pattern and needed to make a baby quilt size for it. So I pieced that top. I ended up quilting and making binding for it as well as for an old WIP at the same time. They both just need to be bound and then they're done!
My lone sewing finish this month was a mini quilt for my Mom. I've made her a mini quilt for either Mother's Day or her birthday for the last few years, to add to her sewing room walls. This year I decided to repurpose this crossstitch sampler that I recently rediscovered. I can't remember if I originally found it thrifting or if it was given to me. Either way, it needed to get out of storage because it's so cute! I kept the mini pretty simple, just framing the embroidery with some borders. I think it turned out pretty cute!

As I posted last week, I finally released a new and improved fabric folding video tutorial! I got this filmed in April, but I've honestly been wanting to film this video for at least 5-6 years. Glad it's finally done!
To keep myself accountable for my stash goals, I track my yardage for fabric and yarn each month. Read more about how I track here. Here is how I did in April:
April Fabric
Used up: .5 yard
Brought in: 0 yards
Net: -.5 yards
Year to date: -16 yards
April Yarn
Used up: 0 yards
Brought in: 0 yards
Net: 0 yards
Year to date: 0 yards
Not much stash movement at all this month! The only thing I tracked was the bit of fabric I used for my Mom's mini quilt!
Not strictly sewing related, but I finished my overhead camera rig! I built it using this youtube video. It works just like I hoped it would. I used it to film my fabric folding tutorial! Hopefully more videos coming soon.
Dusty loves to help me sew!
Have a Great Month!
Hi Jeni, thanks for this lovely post. I wondered how you did you tutorial with the overhead camera. Nicely done on the frame. thanks again for a very enjoyable post. take care.