
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Email Subscriber Update

Hello! This is a quick post specifically for those of you that have subscribed to receive my blog posts via email. Unfortunately, the service that I've been using for this feature since I first started my blog is being discontinued at the end of June. I am working with a new service to seamlessly (hopefully!) transfer over your existing email subscription to their service. If all goes well, you won't need to do anything to continue to receive my posts in your email inbox!

The new email delivery service is called "". When you receive an update that I have published a new post, that is who the email will be from, so don't be alarmed!

I'll be publishing a new blog post sometime during the first week of July (7/1-7/7). If you don't receive an email letting you know I posted, you may need to re-sign up for emails using the new "Follow by Email" form that can be found at the bottom of any page on my website ( Or simply respond to this email and I'll make sure you're added back onto the list. I'm hopeful that won't be necessary and all will transfer over as planned! Fingers crossed.

Thanks for your patience as I navigate this change with you! And thank you for following along with my blog :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

May Monthly Report

It's time for the May monthly report. See past reports here.

This month's report is going to be brief. I didn't do a whole lot of sewing in the month of May. It was busy, but just no sewing-wise. We got our second shots of the COVID vaccine, and celebrated our newly vaccinated reality by seeing my parents for the first time in a year and a half! I took basically no photos while they were here, but it was great. I also spent lots of time getting the garden planted and arranged for the season. I'll probably share a dedicated post on that soon. Nothing too complicated, just want to document it a few times this season.

One of the few things I did sew was a new set of grow bags. I'm using cotton this time around. For more on what I used last year/how I made them/my choice for this year, see this post: DIY Fabric Grow Bags

I finally figured out a good storage system for the wooden beads I carry in my shop! I bought this plastic organizer at a thrift store earily 10+ years ago. It's held so many different things over the year, but it's working great for the beads. Glad I held onto it.

The first month in a while that I didn't finish a weaving! I did start a new one though and I'm enjoying it. Just didn't get super far on it!

To keep myself accountable for my stash goals, I track my yardage for fabric and yarn each month. Read more about how I track here. Here is how I did in May:

May Fabric
Used up: 3.125 yards
Brought in: 6 yards
Net: 2.875 yards
Year to date: -18.75 yards

May Yarn
Used up: 0 yards
Brought in: 0 yards
Net: 0 yards
Year to date: -1823 yards

Had a good mix of fabric in and out this month. Used up fabric for the grow bags and for my Dad's Father's Day present (which I obviously can't share right now!). I did buy yardage to back my kaleidoscope quilt.

The big non-sewing project that I worked on in May was making an outdoor sofa! I wanted to make one last year but it was tough to get out and source materials. So this Spring I was really determined to make one. We needed somewhere comfy to hang out during the warmer months. We get pretty much full shade all day on our deck, so it's a great spot for a couch. I used these plans from Ana White, and bought the cushions, covers and stain from ikea. The stain matches our other outdoor furniture from ikea, and I think it looks super similar. Very pleased with how it turned out. It stretched my skills nicely but never felt overwhelming which is nice. We've already used it a bunch!

A little taste of the garden this year. Always growing marigolds.

Have a Great Month!