Work in Progress: Vintage Sheet Four-Patch Quilt

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

For the last year or so, I've been trying my best to prioritize working on getting old projects finished up or pass them onto someone else. This has been an effort to make things easier for our move, but also to tie up some of my many loose end projects. For the most part, I've done a pretty good job of this. Now that we've been in our new home for six months (whoa), I felt like it was finally time for a shiny new project.

When my parents came to visit last month, they brought with them the rest of my vintage pyrex and enamelware collections. I used my stash of vintage sheet fabrics to pack those collections. It worked out great, and made the unpacking really fun and colorful. When I was putting away all my sheets, I kept the scraps and small pieces to the side. I decided my next quilt had to be a scrappy sheet quilt.

If you'd like to learn more about working with vintage sheets, check out my post: How to Identify, Shop for and Sew with Vintage Sheets

With all these crazy patterns and colors I knew I wanted to keep the piecing simple. I happened to have a small stack of 5" squares already cut, so I built off of that. I decided to make some four patch blocks that finish at 4.5" to go with them. This was great for cutting up smaller scraps.

There has been a lot of chain piecing to put this quilt together. The day I started it, I didn't have much of a plan other than the basic design. I didn't know how big it was going to be, how many blocks I'd need, or any other details worked out. I just started cutting and piecing. This is a big deal for me, because I almost never work this way. Usually I have everything figured out and the math done before I even iron the fabrics. It was a nice change of pace.

Can't chain piece without my cutting gizmo.

I think I was able to comfortably work spontaneously on this quilt because it was super scrappy. I didn't have to work about running out of a particular fabric or color. I did dip into some of my smaller cuts once I ran out of variety in the scraps, which was fine. I ended making the blocks in three batches.

I stitched the top together downstairs one evening with my vintage singer featherweight, in front of the tv. It's such a quiet machine, it was perfect!

I'm very excited to get this one finished. It has been a great low-stress project for me, and the fabrics are just so cheerful.

Happy Quilting!


  1. I love the vintage sheets. I just like to use them on my bed because of the texture and weight of them. A quilt made with them would be superb!

    1. Agreed, they are so nice, I love how soft they are!

  2. Hi Jeni,
    This is so pretty and colorful and happy looking. The low stress portion of this project is fabulous, don't you think?!! Now, how are you planning to quilt it? I look forward to seeing that soon.
    Happy Tuesday! ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Thanks! Yes, it is nice to work on something low-stress! I think I will probably just do simple quilting on the diagonal through each block!

  3. So pretty ... and it's always so much fun to start something new.

  4. I'm confused. If the 4-patch was 4.5 in. finished did you cut down the 5 in. squares to fit? Because you can't match a 4.5 in to a 5 in.
    It looks like a pile of squares! Ad the finished top looks great.

    1. The four-patch blocks are 4.5" finished, 5" unfinished. So they match up with the charm squares which are 4.5" finished, 5" unfinished.

  5. Funny, I recognize one of your vintage husband still uses it as his "camping" pillowcase! The blue/green flowered one on a white background, sorta up front in the basket photo & almost covered up in the next photo. Hah! We're vintage alright!

  6. It just seems like a summer project, like a lovely flower bed. Looking forward to seeing this finished.

  7. I love how you can work with the tv on and on you're very old Singer sewing machine, fab fabrics, I must try something like it as I have a pile of charm squares looking for something to do

  8. I love this one...really cheerful! Good to see a post from you.

  9. This turned out really really cute. I have a few vintage sheets, very flowery. I love your collection

  10. lovely, looking forward to the finish.

  11. So cute and very upbeat. Love the Scrappy look. Thanks

  12. Thank you! I am further inspired now since I ran into your wonderful scrappy quilt post! I am doing the same with my vintage sheets after thinking about it for months I began with the pillow cases and my pieces went from that to now 8X 12 and then smaller scraps Iv’e saved to see into 8x12s. I noticed I have some of the same patterned sheets as you. Your finished piece is delightful! Thank you again- I’m not as hesitant now! lol hugs!


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