Happy December! It's time for November's monthly report. See past reports here.
Side note: I'm going to set realistic expectations for myself this month and go ahead and say this may be the only post you see from me until next year. I have a cool gifty post idea, but I'm just not sure if it will happen, so no promises. Moving around the holidays is no joke!
It's an abbreviated report this month, because we are moving this coming weekend! We're actually much further along in the packing than the first photo in this post shows. The apartment is pretty much in disarray, but we're in the home stretch.
As you might guess, I have a lot of quilts to move. I went back and forth about how to pack them, and ended up landing on these ziploc space bags. I'm really happy with how they worked out and there are 30 quilts in that photo above!!
While we were home at the beginning of November, I found another vintage sheet in the packaging. I've found a few this year! Bonus, I've actually never seen/had this stripe before.
To keep myself accountable for my stash goals, I'm tracking my yardage for fabric and yarn each month. Read more about how I track my here. Here is how I did in November:
November Fabric
Used up: 118.75 yards
Brought in: 2 yards
Net: -116.75 yards
Year to date: -295 yards
November Yarn
Used up: 2336 yards
Brought in: 0 yards
Net: -2336 yards
Year to date: -6067.5 yards
This is officially the lowest intake for fabric I've had since starting this challenge almost two years ago! Full-blown moving mode has made me really cut back on bring things home. The only fabric I bought this month was to use up a reward at a local shop here in Madison. I let a lot of fabric go in my destash sale (thank you, thank you!), and I destashed a bunch of yarn this month too. I am feeling good about my numbers this month, especially since I haven't been able to work towards my other goals.
Only a tiny bit of sewing happened this month and unfortunately I can't share any of it yet. There was some Christmas gift sewing and some work sewing for an upcoming issue of Quilts and More. I'm really behind on sharing those projects, hopefully I can get caught up in the new year.
George bunny definitely knows something weird is going on, but he has been doing great. We moved his play area into our bedroom so that we can stack up box in the main living space. Don't tell him that he has a few long car rides coming his way!
Have a great month!