Happy Thursday! It's time for my November Monthly Report. See past reports here.
It's hard to believe that this year is almost over already. I'm definitely looking forward to reflecting back, making goals, and starting the new year.

I've been steadily working on my holiday gift making (and shopping), so I can't elaborate too much on what I've been working on this month. That will have to wait until after Christmas. It's been enjoyable work though, and I should be done with plenty of time to spare (famous last words). To be honest, it's extra motivating knowing that I'm working down my stash at the same time. Makes it more fun.
I also made a few holiday decorations, which I'll be sharing soon!

The cool weather has really made me want to knit, I've been knitting a lot lately. I'm hoping to finish a few projects before the end of the year so that I can start a few new things. Michael also wants a new pair of mittens.
My Drachenfels shawl progress, see more details on Ravelry.

As I've mentioned, to keep myself accountable I'm tracking my yardage for both yarn and fabric. Here is how I did in November:
November Fabric
Used up: 21.75 yards
Brought in: 20.75 yards
Net: -1 yards
Year to date: -246.375 yards
November Yarn
Used up: 757 yards
Brought in: 200 yards
Net: -557 yards
Year to date: +1902 yards
I definitely brought in more fabric than I planned to this month. There were too many sales, and I caved. Plus I knew when I first saw it ages ago, that I was going to have to buy some of Sarah Watson's new collection, Bird's Eye View. I felt fine about that because I had been thinking about it for months on end, it wasn't a whim. Totally worth it. Thankfully, I finished a quilt this month and a number of other small projects to keep me (just barely) in the negative.

This month I finally made a list of my works in progress. The grand total is 45! It seems crazy huge, but it's really not as bad as it sounds. That number includes a lot of things that might not necessarily become it's own project. It includes groups of blocks or units (think a bazillion HSTs) that are either leftovers from another project or were blocks from teaching samples or practice blocks. Some of these may end up getting combined into one project, I'm not sure yet. I mean it's still a big number, but I think that gives it a little perspective. Needless to say, one of my goals for 2017 is to bring that number down.

Sweet George bunny, looking all cute.
Have a great month!
I think we may be on the exact same row on our Drachenfels shawl, ha ha! I love yours. Those rows are so long right now, eh? I caved last week and bought too much yarn. Oops. But I made a Christmas quilt which used up some stash fabric, so that all balances out. Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteYour projects look exciting Jeni.
ReplyDeleteGeorge is adorable. I love his ears. I see he is still quite happy with his office space
Do unhave a system or spreadsheet for tracking your fabric usage and purchases? If you use a fatquarter for a project, but scraps are generated, do you some now account for just the amount that you used, or do u ignore the scraps and count the whole fatquarter as "used." I'd like to try to keep track of my fabric purchases/uses next year.
ReplyDeleteI shared my spreadsheet in this post: http://www.incolororder.com/2016/07/june-2016-report.html
DeleteIn terms of how I account for how much fabric I use it depends on the project. Some projects use up even amounts of yardage, so the math is easy. For projects that use smaller pieces, I'll use the number squares and rectangles to calculate how many square inches of fabric it took, then divide by the number of square inches in a yard. There is some estimation/rounding, but it's relatively accurate. I like math, so I enjoy being pretty specific about it! If I use most of a fat quarter, I typically round it up.
It's certainly a personal preference to do it this way, I'd just be consistent, however you choose to track!
I like how your beautiful fabric purchase was well thought out and totally worth it! I can relate.
ReplyDeleteIt's so much fun to read your stats! Way to go being down over 200 yards of fabric. That's amazing!!!! I love tracking my fabric usage, too. I started in Sept and it definitely helps keep me on track. Last week's trip to SR harris got me into a little bit of trouble, so now I need to finish some quilts!!! Hahaha!