I don't even know where to begin in reviewing this past year. So much was crammed in, it's hard to process! Let's just say there were plenty of freak out moments and diet coke to get through this past year.

Personally, I was so happy to get married this year. I don't know what I would do without Michael. I definitely would have gone crazy by now! We had a wonderful day surrounded by family, and then escaped to Disney World. All a dream come true.
Photo by Dennis Crider for Imagen Photography.

Professionally, I checked a big thing off my list this year with my book, Patchwork Essentials: The Half-Square Triangle. I put so much work into this book, and it's both exciting and terrifying to think it's actually out in the world now! A big thank you to Lucky Spool for making this possible. I have some fun stuff planned for it in 2016, hopefully early in the year!

Let's be real though, the biggest news this past year was that George now has his own fabric. I released my fifth fabric collection with Art Gallery Fabrics, Curiosities, in June!

This year I discovered Tsum Tsums, and am now a happy member of the Tsum Tsum of the month club! Yes, it is a real thing!

Knitting continued to be the perfect hobby for me, and I finished 15 projects this year! I really tried to challenge myself to try new things. I knit my first sweater, knit colorwork, tried weaving and knit three pairs of mittens. Plus, tried felting for the first time! I have lots of projects to share still.

I finished three of the book quilts in January this year, but otherwise didn't have a ton of quilt finishes. Three I have yet to share, will be able to do that soon!

I did manage to make five pincushions this year. My love of pincushions continues to grow!
It's always fun looking back on the year, and this sure was a busy one! Will share some goals and resolutions for 2016 next week. In the meantime, Happy New Year! Thank you for your continued support. It was a quieter year that usual here on the blog, I'm hoping to hit the ground running next year and be better about making time to write!