1. Rainbow Plus Quilt- large print fabricsTheMakingsOfJoy, 2. Glowing Star Pillow, 3. Charity quilt 2, 4. Totem Quilt, 5. Molehills Complete Top, 6. T-Act II, 7. front of Carousel Too, 8. Riddle and {Whimsy} AMH Charm Along 1, 9. Tuck Everlasting bound and completed. We'll see how she goes through the wash...😅
Every two weeks I go through my favorite photos on Flickr, and choose nine sewing/quilting related projects to showcase here. These photos and projects are not my own, you can find the original images and creators by clicking the coordinating links! If for any reason you do not want your project featured here, please email me and I'll remove it!
Happy Weekend!
I love the volume of the middle right quilt!