
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

AGF Fat Quarter Gang!

Something really fun has been brewing over at Art Gallery Fabrics! Head on over there to check out all the details on their latest adventure, the Fat Quarter Gang! I'm proud to be one of 12 official members!

It's going to be a year chock full of weekly project tutorials from members and giveaways all featuring Art Gallery fabrics! It's going to be such a blast, you won't want to miss it!  I'll be sharing my first project later this summer!  And... here is my gang photo, haha! I'm Jeni 'Seam Busta' Baker!

AGF Fat Quarter Gang by jenib320
AGF Fat Quarter Gang, a photo by jenib320 on Flickr.
Please note my fabric "cash", scissors necklace, and most importantly, open rotary cutter! I think this is quite possibly the toughest I've ever looked! ;)

You can find more information and meet all the members here.  There might just be photos of all the other members too... just sayin'!

Happy Tuesday! 


  1. you are probably the cutest gangsta EVER. for reals.

  2. So excited to gang it up with ya brah!

  3. I'm definitely not messing with you Jeni!

  4. Y'all are a riot. I can't wait to see what kind of havoc you create.

  5. Love the tigers hat! These are funny photos.

  6. Ahahaha, this is hilarious and awesome! You could definitely take me ;)

  7. I LOVE your gangsta pic! The rotary cutter IS a weapon -- one that frequently attacks me all on its own!!

  8. Im sorry Jeni but you are too sweet to be gangsta!

  9. HILARIOUS! The ladies at Saving Thyme in Stoughton would not approve of that exposed rotary cutting blade! Just sayin'! You.were.warned. :)

  10. too funny - if only you had a gang sign. that would top it all off.

  11. Ohmigosh Jeni! That was SO clever. i really enjoyed that and will look forward to more!!!!

  12. Oh my gosh these pictures are killing me!

  13. AHAHAHAHA....those pictures are too funny! I can't wait to see how this unfolds!

  14. Bwahhahhahaha! What a riot!!! I can't wait for these tutorials. Hysterical!

  15. Too cute!!! However, I do think you would look a lot tougher if you were holding George.

  16. wahahahahhah. . . . . you look kinda cool!!

  17. OMG!! That picture is hilarious!!

  18. Jeni you are my favourite pic in the gang!!!!
    You are amazing really ... so vintage inside but in this photo ... WOWWWWWWWWWWW so girly-gang ... can I say this?????
    Hugs from Italy

  19. Wow - scissors necklace! It just looks so cool and unusuall that I immediately wanted one for myself.
    It's great that you have such things going on around you. In my town there is only one fabrics shop and totally no courses, workshops or whatever could be (((

  20. Jeni, I read every single post you write (because it's emailed to me, so convenient, that was smart) but rarely comment. This was hilarious!! You are going to have such a fun summer!

  21. Love the look, Jen. And it looks like a great book I would love to win!

  22. haha Jeni that picture is priceless :)

  23. So so funny. I mean, um, scary. ;)

  24. I love all these pictures! You guys must have had a great time putting it all together!

  25. LOVE. I can't wait. I am even more excited to make my dress out of Summerlove. I just love their fabric it is sooo soft.

  26. Oh noooooooo!!!!!! An OPEN rotary cutter!!!!! I sure hope I don't see you in "da hood"!!!!!!!

  27. Open rotary cutter, I've sliced and diced a couple of fingers with one of those babies.
    src419 at hotmail dot com
    Sandy Corey

  28. I can't wait to see more from the gang. More fabric stuff, but really, I'd like to see the gang make a music video? Could we work on that?

  29. Haha! I was squinting at your picture thinking, "is her rotary cutter open? That's dangerous!" and then I scrolled down, read your thingy, and giggled. :D

  30. You. Are. Hysterical. Awesome for you on the Art Gallery gig! You'll be great.

  31. fantastic photo Jeni - yep - pretty tough lookin - but I think I expected george to feature with a bandana or something ! love art gallery fabrics so looking forward to this.


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