
Friday, February 24, 2012


Favorites by jenib320
Favorites, a photo by jenib320 on Flickr.
1. converging corners quilt top, 2. IMPROV chevrons!!, 3. DSCF8241, 4. demo mdp top for class, 5. scrappy hour glass quilt, 6. little granny, 7. Happy Camper Wonky Cross Quilt, 8. French kisses in {the} Secret Garden, 9. Bare bones


  1. Love these!! I think I bookmarked at least half of these already, and I'm thinking of using the improv chevron tutorial for the next Do. Good Stitches quilt I make :)

  2. Oh I needed some inspo today, planning a major cushion making session, these are perfect !
    Have a great weekend :)

  3. i do love ayumi's quilt in the middle. another great way to use up some scraps!

    thanks for including my quilt here. :)

  4. oooh, my chevrons! Thanks for including 'em! I'm glad you like them, can't quite believe they're keeping company like this :D

  5. these are all beautiful! are you going to have a sneak peek at March's HST BOM??? I'm dying to make it :) (I am not the world's most patient person lol)

  6. French kisses and the demo quilt are my favorites here but they are all wonderful!

  7. Ok, it's official. I'm in love with ALL of these.

  8. thanks Jeni! I feel so honored to have made it to one of the collages! ;)

  9. OOh, wow, you've included my 'Windows Quilt' (number 3). thank you so much, I feel so honoured. And please feel free to send some peeps my way, my blog could use some love: :) Nxx


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