
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Little Apples Sparkling Cider Quilt

It was a race against the sun on the shortest day of the year, but I finished it! I checked the last handmade gift off my list last night and was faced with an entire day to do whatever I pleased.  In an effort to finish off works in progress before the new year, I opted to complete my Little Apples Sparkling Cider Quilt!

This is the second time I've sewn up a quilt using All Washed Up's Sparkling Cider pattern. Last year at this time I finished my first one using vintage sheets. You can see it here. This time around, I added an extra row making it 80" square.

Little Apples by jenib320
Little Apples, a photo by jenib320 on Flickr.
Little Apples is Aneela Hoey's second line for Moda, and I love it! Just like with my Sherbet Pips quilt, I wanted to be able to leave large chunks of these fabrics intact to show off all the sweet little stories.  It took a while to come to a decision but this pattern just seemed made for these fabrics. I mean let's be honest, Little Apples + Sparkling Cider? Match made in heaven, and cheeky to boot! ;)

I love Aneela's fabrics, there is something special about them, knowing the children, animals and adventures are inspired by her sweet girls and their life together. They feel so personal. I am absolutely ecstatic to already be working with her next line, A Walk in the Woods! It's adorable! You can find pre-cuts around now, and yardage will be available this spring!

Little Apples by jenib320
Little Apples, a photo by jenib320 on Flickr.
This quilt top came together quite quickly.  The flying geese that make up the stars are made with a Quilt In a Day Flying Geese Ruler. Have you used this tool before? I got mine at Joanns and it is fantastic! It really helps make sure you don't loose those nice points! It's my go-to way to make flying geese, thankfully it comes in a few different sizes!

I used the white prints along with some Kona Coal for the backing. The quilting ended up going super fast, only a few short hours. I did my signature loops but extra big this time!

I bound it off using this fun red and white stripe fabric I thrifted shortly after we moved to Wisconsin. It's really soft and I think finishes it off quite nicely!

I had a little trouble taking photos of this quilt, it's pretty heavy! I usually use masking tape but it just wasn't cutting it! So, it was Hello Kitty duct tape to the rescue! Hehe! (PS - it's from Target!)

I am so happy with the way this quilt turned out. It is definitely going to be one of my absolute favorites! It feels really good to get this one crossed off the list! :)

Happy Sewing!


  1. Beautiful and so happy looking.

    Love the fabric and thanks for the titles under the pictures as it helped my girl with oh, I want some of that. lol

    But no George photo? :D

  2. I wrote a comment and google ate it. I think I'm stuck in the google comment loop of doom!

  3. It is so gorgeous Jeni! I have that pattern, I need to use it soon.

  4. Your Little Apples Sparkling Cider Quilt is absolutely adorable. :)

    I like Little Apples line that I know the story behind it..I like it even more. Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. Very pretty!!

    I'm looking forward to making my Sparklig Cider quilt (Might be my first project after the new year).

  6. Stripes always are my favorite binding material. They really add a lot of zing! xxoo Patty

  7. Beautiful quilt, Jeni- you did an awesome job!!
    (Sorry, can't post using my Google account)

  8. I have charms packs for both lines, but not sure what to make! You quilt is surely a very cozy one! What a great way to celebrate a day home sewing!

  9. Very Beautiful! Love the Hello Kitty tape. Yes, where is George?


  10. so awesome Jeni.The pattern shows the lovely prints soooo well <3

    I still need to finish my quilt with the little apple fabrics.
    I just bought some fanell for the backing.
    I won't be able to finish it before christmas but hoefully the basting will be done tonight ;)

  11. Beautiful! Really really lovely :-)

  12. Beautiful! And you are right, that fabric line and pattern were made for each other! :-) I love the colours and the sparklyness, also the binding is great! Actually, I think the colours really go with Christmas, too, so it must be nice to have it finished before the Holidays! :-)

  13. I adore your little apples pretty, beautiful colors, makes me smile...lots! Well done!

  14. It looks really good Jeni! I really want to use that pattern someday.

  15. I love, love, love this!! This will definitely be my next project, maybe with "Ruby" by Bonnie and Camille. Do you know where I can order the pattern?

  16. This is so beautiful. I just might have to do the same thing with my stack of fat quarters.

  17. Jeni, it's beautiful and a great pattern to show off those fabrics. I have really enjoyed reading your blog. You are very talented, not to mention prolific! Thanks for sharing your passion for sewing. Have a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for 2012.

  18. Wow Jeni it came out beautiful, I love it. The binding fabric it's perfect. Need to get me that pattern : )

  19. It's such a happy quilt. Really! I love the extra-big loopy quilting you did. It adds another element of whimsy to the prints. I'm so excited you were able to finish before the new year!

  20. oh jeni, it's so pretty and so you. beautiful job!!! and that loopy quilting, yummm!

  21. It's gorgeous Jeni! What a spectacular way to end the year!

  22. I'm glad you let us know that was Hello Kitty duct tape - who would think to make duct tape in something girly? I was thinking the pink with your quilt was just not quite doing it any favors, so glad to learn it was a temporary holding solution.

  23. Gorgeous! I love the back too! Great fabric line. The tape is also very cute ;)

  24. Thanks for including the information about the Sparkling Cider pattern. I love it. I have ordered it and it is on its way.

  25. Olá.
    Adorei seus trabalhos. AMO QUILT

    Me faz um visitinha bjs

  26. I just received a quilt kit on this fabric I was curious if you pre-washed the fabric or experienced any bleeding..Thanks! I was hoping to jump right in because i love the fabric but i didnt think of this!

    Thanks so much :)


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