It's here! The Lined Drawstring Bag Pattern! The original tutorial is still available, and it won't be going anywhere! It is included in the pattern as the Everything Bag. So, what is the pattern version? Well, I'm glad you asked!

There is a bag for everything in this pattern! Sizes range from tiny (4" tall!), to big (26" tall!), or create your own size to fit your needs! Pattern includes: 8 bag sizes with yardage requirements and cutting instructions, detailed how-to for creating your own bag size, and bag construction tutorial.
Ready to meet the all the bags?
The Tiny Bag
The perfect size for your tiny things, jewelry, embroidery tools, coins, etc. (My personal favorite size!)
The Snack Bag
The perfect size for an afternoon snack, a few toys, hexagon kit, etc.
The Everything Bag
The perfect size for everything from your camera to your cosmetics. (This is the tutorial size!)
The Project Bag
The perfect size for your current knitting, crochet, or handsewing project.
The Artist Bag
The perfect size for a sketchpad or two, books, and your pencil pouch.
The Laundry Bag
The perfect size for dirty laundry, large toys, a quilt, etc.
The CD Bag
The perfect size for wrapping CDs and other small gifts.
The DVD Bag
The perfect size for wrapping DVDs, books, and other small gifts.
It has made me so happy seeing your bags popping up all over flickr and blogland! Here is a little sampling of bags from the In Color Order Flickr Group:
1. Army Men + Lush, 2. Your presents fit perfectly in this bag made from a tute by @jenib320 partner #ssswap, 3. a scrappy drawstring bag - a la jeni, 4. made using Jeni's fab tutorial, 5. lined drawstring bag, 6. lined drawstring bag, 7. Quilted Drawstring bags, 8. lined drawstring bags, 9. www.flickr.com/photos/53856688@N07/6318763178/in/pool-166..., 10. Camera Bag, 11. I think I'm addicted to making these LOL, 12. Lined Drawstring Bag, 13. Drawstring Pouch, 14. drawstring pouches, 15. Drawstring bag for the little miss, 16. drawstring bag

You can find the pattern for sale in my shop, here.
Even George likes these bags! ;)
Happy Sewing!