
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Turquoise Pyrex, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Finally! This turquoise pyrex mixing bowl set has been 2 years in the making! It is my absolute favorite set! I finally broke down and bought the last bowl online when I spotted it for a good price! The other three bowls were found thrifting. I'm so happy that it's finally complete :)

Make-up Roll-up!, originally uploaded by jenib320.
I pattern tested this fun little make-up roll-up pattern by Rachel of Stiched in Color this past month! It's so nice to have a proper travel kit for my makeup! I made mine using Robert Kaufman Quilter's Linen and Joel Dewberry's Modern Meadow! The pattern even makes use of a sewing trick that Rachel has dubbed George's Trick! He is quite honored!

Beeeeee Happy, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Beeeee happy! Baby's breath from my roses!

Photos, originally uploaded by jenib320.
I finally printed all the photos from last year's project 365! Snapfish had a deal I couldn't pass up! Unfortunately they were not printed in chronological order, bummer! Haha, I was hoping they would! Oh well! Now to figure out how to store/organize them! :)

Mmmm, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Made Bretzel again this weekend using my favorite recipe. Would anyone be interested in a little video "tutorial" of the baking soda bath? There are always a lot of you interested in this bread, is the bath what is stopping you? I'd be happy to go through the recipe step by step if there is interest!

George, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Thank you so much for your response to my Dream On quilt! I love reading your comments and I know everyone is so busy, I appreciate that you're taking time out of your day to leave me a note! I am feeling back in blogging mode which is awesome! I turned in the rough draft for my Thesis today, so I am feeling really relieved! Hopefully in a few weeks I can start up the Art of Choosing posts again! :)

Today I love the..
Smell of: Pumpkin candles
Sound of: Spongebob season 3!
Taste of: Japanese takeout
Sight of: George
Feel of: Cool fan

Good Things about Today:
- Finished my rough draft!!!
- Happy, happy mail!
- Sunny afternoon despite rain forecasts!
- Watching spongebob! It's such a stress-reliever! :)


  1. Jeni I think that you have my favorite blog. It is certainly one of the most cheery and inspiring with all of your wonderful photos! Although, you do make me feel like a lazy piece because you seem crazy busy and get so much done!

    Thank you!!

  2. You should do a tutorial for the Bretzel!! You can call Jeni and George's cooking show!!! :)

  3. I am so glad you mentioned SpongeBob, so many people hate on him, but honestly my whole little family loves him and watches the seasons regularly!

  4. I don't know if you're still looking for a 365 organizer, but if you are the Project Life kits are wonderful!! I use them- a spot for every photo, and spots for cards that hold "journaling" for each photo. Here's the link: PS- I am sooooo excited to hopefully be in your class at the Sewing Summit (keeping my fingers crossed that I get what I requested :))! Have a great day!

  5. Ah Spongebob! I never let my oldest watch that show and now in the name of sewing he certainly gets more airtime with my youngest.

  6. Candice - A friend recommended her products to me as well! I really love the concept of how she puts everything together! I am struggling though because I want to keep it in order by date and I took random orientations, some horizontal some vertical! She mentioned on her blog that there would be some new layouts coming out soon, so I'm hopeful! :)

    You're so sweet! I'm so glad to hear you're attending! It's going to be a great time!!

  7. Jeni, every photo of George is better than the last.

  8. I would LOVE a video tutorial!!! I've done bread with a baking soda bath, but it's NEVER turned out quite right!

    Your dream on quilt is beautiful!!

  9. Serious Pyrex envy around here! :-D Beautiful set!

    I just ordered the pattern for the make-up roll, this will make great gifts for my friends. :-)

    AND: Thank you for the Bretzel link!!! I'm German living in Finland and there's no Bretzel in sight around here, so I really miss it sometimes! Never occured to me to make it myself ... :-P

  10. Oh, and congrats on your thesis progress!!!

  11. I saw the makeup roll over on Rachel's blog! It's brilliant, isn't it?

    And I love your pyrex!

  12. Oh! What a fabulous round up of goodness! First up, how could you possible resist that final bowl - I like complete sets so I'm happy to see all four gorgeously turquoise bowls snuggled in together. Secondly, George! Holy cuteness! Just look at his bright black eye, adorable!

  13. Oh my, bretzel???? What a wonderful idea!!!! I would definitely make some...except it calls for milk, and my husband just learned he's got a pretty severe milk allergy. Boo! I love your make-up roll, it's adorable - although not as adorable as your Dream On quilt!! I love that quilt :)

  14. i love monochromatic pyrex sets - especially the bright turquoise of yours. and i must say, i am very lucky to have a professional (and talented) baker for a husband who loves loves loves to make pretzels. my favorites so far have been his cheddar and bacon pretzels, cinnamon currant braids, and the cracked pepper ties he made just the other day.

    *hi george!*

  15. I love George. I love Spongebob, too. Also, that is an awesome stack of photos you ordered! How fun! I rarely order prints, and I really should do it more often.

  16. George is just adorable! All that bunny cuteness! I second (or third, or whatever) the motion for a recipe and/or tutorial for the bretzel!
    Jacque in SC

  17. You did such a great job with the makeup roll, Jeni! And your new Pirex set is bee-autiful!

  18. your blog always makes me so happy! i love george and his tiny little bunny ears! and i love your today i love... and good things about today... they make me happy!

  19. I would love to see a video tutorial of the water bath thing... that is what is stopping me from trying them!

  20. Oh my gosh those bowls are to die for. LOVE them! I actualy gasped out loud when I opened up your post. So so pretty!

  21. Love your blog :) Congrats on turning in the rough draft!

  22. love the make-up roll up! that would make my traveling makeup life easier for sure! :)

    and stop showing delicious pretzel bread! Those of us on Atkins are jealous... ;)

  23. Hi Jeni, I love your blog :) And George is so cute!

  24. Oh, my! I just found your site through the Handmade Spark blog and I'm so excited because of some similarities between you and me :)

    I love thinking about color combinations, my name is Jenny and I'm a die-hard bunny fanatic! George is adorable :D I had a bunny companion for 7 years who passed away last year. They are the most amazing wonderful quirky friends!

    Thanks for being here, I'll be reading :D

  25. Would you believe the turquoise set of pyrex is the only pyrex I own? It was my grandma's. I'm curious though - I only have three pieces so I'm not sure which size I'm missing? Would you mind giving me the dimensions of your pieces? I would love to find the missing piece! Thanks. And congrats on your thesis/presentation! Jamie V in MT

  26. I just found your blog last night and I really like it. I want to try making the Bretzel, so a tutorial would be very helpful. I think my family will love it.


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