
Friday, March 4, 2011


Favorites, originally uploaded by jenib320.
1. My first pillow!, 2. DQS quilt, 3. Large Zip Pouch, 4. A completed circle, 5. favorite colors, 6. Fairy Tale Quilt: Block 2, 7. WIN ME!!!, 8. OShinyBee: HSTs for Kelly, Twelve Triangles, 9. good folks queen quilt
Every week I go through my favorite photos on Flickr, and choose nine sewing/quilting related projects to showcase here. These photos and projects are not my own, you can find the original images and creators by clicking the coordinating links! If for any reason you do not want your project featured here, please email me and I'll remove it!

Happy Friday!


  1. Thank you, thank, thank you..I've been making a cross quilt and have been umming and awwing over whether to change the fabric or not and then you posted this quilt with the same white fabric all over and it just works so well!

  2. I just found your blog and love everything about it! I love the art of choosing series, and I am crazy over your quilts and fabric stash. I actually featured your blog today in a blog spotlight! :) And oh hey, I live in NE Ohio too... how cool is that! I never see bloggers from our neck of the woods.


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