
Monday, May 24, 2010


Finished Value Quilt, originally uploaded by jenib320.
I finished up my value quilt! I'm really happy with it!

Best Mail Ever!, originally uploaded by jenib320.
My 80 FQs arrived from the Vintage Sheet Patchwork Swap!

Thrifting, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Picked up a few things Saturday, my Dad found the Pyrex!:)

George, originally uploaded by jenib320.
It is necessary to stretch way out when it's hot!

It was quite a busy weekend around here! I went to a sewing club at a local quilt shop. It was interesting. I was the youngest person there by approximately 30 years. So, I guess I'll try a different LQS! After that I drove home for the afternoon! I am parting with some of my Blythe collection and their boxes and clothes were at home. We went out thrifting as well. We also stopped by Hollo's Papercraft. It's a family owned paper shop. It's amazing! Brown shipping envelopes for 5 cents each? Yes please! :)

Yesterday was a marathon day of cleaning. I usually try to be pretty neat, but it always goes downhill at the end of the school year. My bedroom was especially messy. Another day or so and I should have everything put away and cleaned up. George and I have been enjoying the warm weather. I love having the windows open! thank you all for your kinds words on my quilt.

Hope everyone has a good week!

Today I love the..
Smell of: Fresh morning air
Sound of: Harry Potter 3 Audiobook
Taste of: Corn Flakes
Sight of: George
Feel of: Vintage sheets

Good Things about Today:
- I've been waking up at a decent hour for a few days now!
- It's sunny!
- I'm feeling productive today!


  1. Oh, the quilt is beautiful!


  2. Just recently came upon your blog. I have enjoyed going back and reading older post. I learned to quilt about 5 years ago and I consider myself a younger quilter, however, not as young as you. It is nice to see younger ideas and creativity at work.

  3. Great Quilt. Thanks for sharing it.


  4. Your value quilt is beautiful. I'm not sure I could pick out fabric for a value quilt. Me and the color wheel just don't get along very well lol.

  5. Stunning work on the value quilt, I love how the warmer lines pop out...

  6. As always great Pyrex finds. Isn't it nice when your family looks out for finds for you? What are your plans for the new FO's? Your quilt so is beautiful!


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