
Friday, May 21, 2010

Blogger's Quilt Festival

For this year's Blogger's Quilt Festival, (my first!) I'm going to post about my Cool Colors Quilt!

Cool Colors Quilt - Front, originally uploaded by jenib320.
It is the first quilt that I made completely from start to finish. It was technically my second, but the first was quilted by someone else.

Warm & Cool Colors Quilts, originally uploaded by jenib320.
I made it to be a companion quilt to my Warm Colors Quilt. I used many different fabrics that had been sitting in my stash for ages. But the piecing for me was fun and easy. Patchwork blocks, no problem! It was the quilting!

Cool Colors Quilt - Detail, originally uploaded by jenib320.
It was my first quilting experience and I choose to go free-motion. I was learning completely over the internet and it was hard! The finished quilt is about 60x80. I quilted for almost two days straight to complete it. But it is truly a labor of love. Looking back, it was perhaps a little ambitious to start with such a large quilt and to start with free-motion! But, I finished it, and I love it.

Helpful Kitty, originally uploaded by jenib320.
I sleep under it almost every night. Having all that hard work and care wrapped around me feels wonderful. I can't wait to make many, many more quilts!

Cool Colors Quilt - Back, originally uploaded by jenib320.
If you'd like to make your own Cool or Warm Colors Quilt, check out my tutorial HERE! :)

Thanks for visiting!


  1. What a lovely quilt! So pretty, your fabric choices are spot on!

  2. Such pretty colors!

  3. I love this quilt! In fact, I think I may have discovered your blog through seeing this quilt on Flickr.

  4. Oh, it's wonderful. Love both the front and the back.

  5. What a great quilt, so soft and calming.

  6. what a gorgeous quilt. i love a simple must be my next quilt! especially like that you added stash fabrics!

  7. Your quilt is so lovely! Great work!

  8. Pretty, pretty! Love the stripey back too!

  9. Very nice quilt, indeed. You're better than me with the machine quilting. I did some free motion quilting on mine, but it's by no means anything to write home about! Now I've come to realise that I really love the piecing and I take the top to a long arm quilter for that part of the process. So good on you for persevering - well worth the effort.

    From the peek at the warm colours quilt, I'll bet it's got some lovely fabrics in there, too.

    PS. I see your cat likes to "help" in the same way as mine!

    Thanks for sharing. Regards, Sue

  10. Cool colors indeed! They look like you could wrap up in them in a mountain retreat and be totally surrounded in love! Great quilt.

  11. I love the cool colors! This turned out beautifully. It is an ambitious first quilting project, but it will make quilting smaller ones seem like a breeze!

  12. How exciting that you are just getting into quilting and you have already completed 2 magnificent quilts! You have done a lovely job coordinating the fabrics and it's fun to hear that you were brave enough to do your own machine quilting. Bravo!

  13. Beautiful colours! I'm so impressed you FMQ-ed your second quilt. I've made six or so now and still haven't tried it yet.

  14. Very nice. Love the fabrics you used. Kitty is adorable.

  15. Well, I can tell you I certainly didn't try free motion quilting with my first, second, or third quilt. So my hat's off to you - this is a lovely quilt.

  16. this is so beautiful. i love a simple squares quilt. you are so brave to teach yourself the free motion quilting and then spend so many days doing it.

  17. Jeni,
    It is a pretty quilt with such soft colors- I love your helpful kitty- they sure know where a quilt is - at least our cat does..
    Thanks for sharing your lovely piece.Hope you get a chance to take in some quilts in the festival.
    There are some real beauties.

  18. Ooooo I love that cool colours quilt. You have done a wonderful job.

  19. Good work! It turned out beautifully.

  20. Jeni, I'm so glad I found your blog! LOVE IT! You gave the color ratio for your warm colors quilt, but not the cool colors - can you tell me the ratio? I would love to give it a go! And your vintage page, your bunny, kitty, your tissue holders - what a gift you have! thanks for sharing!

  21. This is a lovely quilt, with very nice soft colors. I also like your other stuff. Glad I have found your blog too.

  22. I love your quilt! It is beautiful! The colors are so lovely.

  23. What a lovely quilt! You did a great job with the quilting. I'm still teaching myself to free-motion quilt but haven't attempted anything larger than a baby quilt. You were quite brave!
    It's nice to see a young and enthusiastic quilter here in blogland!

  24. classic & charming -love the back too!

  25. That's some impressive first free motion quilting. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  26. what a lovely peaceful quilt-great job for your 1st/2nd one. Btw, your bunny is too cute.
    Come see my antique quilt entries

  27. Jeni, I love this so much! You're amazing at choosing fabrics that work well together. I tend to look at two prints and can't see the possibilities, but I'm working on it. Your photography is lovely too!

  28. very nice--such a soft feeling look to it. love the colors and layout you've done


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