
Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Night

Popcorn, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Made some yummy air-popped popcorn.

View, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Snuggled into my quilts on the couch.

George, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Let George run around a bit.

Movie Night, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Watched a free rental, a favorite.

Kittens!, originally uploaded by jenib320.
We just got these two kittens in at the shelter, they're going to a foster home tomorrow!

Today I love the..
Smell of: Popcorn
Sound of: 500 Days of Summer
Taste of: Cookies
Sight of: George jumping around
Feel of: Warm snuggly quilts

Good Things about Today:
- We had an adoption at animal shelter!
- Caught up with a friend over dinner.
- Good mail day.
- Free movie rental! I love Coke Rewards :)


  1. Oh, kitten season! These two are too most recent kitties were Katrina babies, and they had a two-for-one deal. They were snuggled like this, and we couldn't resist.

  2. I LOVE pyrex...need to start collecting some for myself! your little animals are so cute :)

  3. Does George like popcorn? I don't think I ever gave any to my buns but they adored the odd corn cob...Mine didn't have a pen, they were allowed everywhere but the craft room (thank goodness for litter training, well mostly trained hehe)

    We watched a free movie over the weekend too, District Nine, I'm no a big sci fi person but the themes of the movie were most gripping :)


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