
Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Teapot, originally uploaded by jenib320.
It was a pretty busy Tuesday. We were all over town running errands and getting things done. One hting we managed to squeeze in was picking me up a loose tea teapot! My Mom received one for Christmas along with a selection of loose teas and we have been trying them all out. I had no idea how much better loose tea tastes in comparison to tea bags. While at our local tea room we also picked up some Christmas tea, which is delicious. So far my favorite is strawberry. I'm excited to try new teas and work tea into my daily routine!

Spices, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Another food item checked off the list today, spices! I have been without a spice rack or many spices since I moved into my apartment. After receiving a spice rack for Christmas I visited our local grocery store and picked up a bunch of $1 spices. They don't sell them up by my apartment so I was happy to find all the spices I needed for $1 each! They may not be super quality, but I don't think I'll be able to tell the difference!

Moda, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Also picked up some Moda fabric today in the form of a turnover. I have been fascinated by these neat charm packs they have and finally found a quilt shop nearby that carries moda fabrics. I think I'm going to cut these triangles in half again and make a pinwheel patchwork out of them. We'll see!

I picked up a few more remnants at JoAnns today, at 70% off they are hard to beat! I was also excited to pick up some fabric on clearance for my yoga mat bag. I am taking yoga at school this semester and I'll need a stylish handmade bag :)

Today I love the..
Smell of: Tea
Sound of: The Cavs
Taste of: Annie's Cheddar Bunnies
Sight of: Fabric
Feel of: Warm scarf

Good Things about Today:
- Got a lot of errands done!
- Caught up on some emails.
- Finished shopping for Michael's birthday!


  1. One of my favorite loose leaf blends is a Passion blend. It's especially good in the summer over ice. The shop I use to buy it at went out of business years ago so i've been on the lookout ever since.

  2. If you're looking for a great winter tea, Winter Solstice by Peets is amazing!


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